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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 02 ›› Issue (01) : 20 -24. doi: 10.3877/cma j.issn.2095-5782.2014.01.006


王志军1, 王茂强1,(), 段峰1, 宋鹏1, 刘凤永1, 常中飞1, 王燕1, 阎洁羽1, 李凯1   
  1. 1.100853 北京, 中国人民解放军总医院介入放射科
  • 收稿日期:2013-08-05 出版日期:2014-03-01
  • 通信作者: 王茂强

Preliminary study of combination transcatheter arterial chemoembolization and simultaneously percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for solitary large hepatocellular carcinoma

Zhijun Wang1, Maoqiang Wang1,(), Feng Duan1, Peng Song1, Fengyong Liu1, Zhongfei Chang1, Yan Wang1, Jieyu Yan1, Kai Li1   

  1. 1.Department of Interventional Radiology,PLA General Hospital,Beijing,100853,China
  • Received:2013-08-05 Published:2014-03-01
  • Corresponding author: Maoqiang Wang

王志军, 王茂强, 段峰, 宋鹏, 刘凤永, 常中飞, 王燕, 阎洁羽, 李凯. 经肝动脉化疗栓塞联合同步射频消融术治疗单个大肝癌的初步临床研究[J/OL]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2014, 02(01): 20-24.

Zhijun Wang, Maoqiang Wang, Feng Duan, Peng Song, Fengyong Liu, Zhongfei Chang, Yan Wang, Jieyu Yan, Kai Li. Preliminary study of combination transcatheter arterial chemoembolization and simultaneously percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for solitary large hepatocellular carcinoma[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2014, 02(01): 20-24.


评估经肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)联合同步射频消融(RFA)治疗单个大肝癌(肿瘤最大直径≥5 cm) 的安全性和疗效。


对18 例原发性肝细胞癌患者单个病灶(平均最大直径7.5 cm, 5.1~15.5 cm) 进行了联合TACE 和同步RFA治疗。 评估联合技术成功率、 技术相关并发症、 局部肿瘤治疗反应、 无疾病复发时间、 随访患者存活率。


技术成功率100%, 介入治疗后1 个月复查, 局部病灶以凝固性坏死为主, 病灶完全缓解17例, 部分缓解1 例, 完全缓解率94.44%(17/18) 。 随访过程中(2~29个月) , 17 例病灶完全缓解患者平均无疾病复发时间为(16.8±4.0)个月。 18 例患者6、 12、 18个月生存率均为100%。 所有患者均未发生严重并发症, 17例患者术后ALT和AST 出现一过性升高(P=0.001) 。 3 例患者需经吗啡和芬太尼加强止疼后, 疼痛明显缓解。


联合TACE和即时同步RFA治疗单个大肝癌安全、 有效。 疼痛是同步联合治疗主要不良反应,经持续镇痛后可耐受。


To assess the technical safety and efficacy of transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation(TACE)simultaneously combined with radiofrequency ablation(RFA)for large hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)with maximal diameter ≥5 cm.


A total of 18 patients with solitary large HCC(mean maximal diameter 7.5 cm, range 5.1—15.5 cm)were treated with TACE simultaneously followed by percutaneous RFA.Rate of combined technical success,complications related to technique,local-regional tumor response,recurrence-free survival time and survival rate were evaluated.


Rate of technical success was 100%.Coagulation necrosis is the major appearance type of local tumor 1 month after interventional therapy.Seventeen patients were complete response(CR)and 1 were partial response.Complete necrosis in nodular lesions occupied 94.44% (17/18). During follow-up period(2—29 months),mean recurrence-free survival time was(16.8±4.0)months in 17 cases with CR. The estimated overall survival rate at 6,12 and 18 months was all 100%.No serious complications was observed in any patient.ALT and AST in blood temporally elevated(P=0.001).Severe pain occurred in 3 patients who were controlled properly with morphine and fentanyl.


TACE simultaneously combined with RFA is safe and effective for treatment of solitary large HCC.Severe pain is a major side effect which can be controlled by morphine.

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